Nutrients that Supporting Fertility - It is inevitable that the nutrients needed for everyone, especially for people who want to quickly have a baby. Indeed, with a balance diet the vitamins and minerals needs by body can be met. However, this vitamin will quickly disappear because the process of working with the body in digesting food.
- Vitamin A. Have an important role in producing healthy sperm. Vitamin A can get in liver meat, butter, margarine, eggs, milk, fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, broccoli, carrots, spinach, tomatoes.
- Vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D will reduce the fertility rate until 75 %. Vitamin D is produced in the body with the help of sunlight, but it also can be obtained from eggs, butter, fish oil, tuna fish, salmon.
- Vitamin E. Works to increase the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg and prevent a miscarriage, because of its role in maintaining the health of the uterine wall and the placenta. Vitamin E is found in many vegetable oils, wheat bran, sprouts, bean sprouts.
- Vitamin B6. This vitamin deficiency will cause imbalance hormone. Though the balance of estrogen and progesterone hormones essential for pregnancy. Sources of vitamin B6 is chicken, fish, kidney, brown rice, soybeans, peanuts, bananas, and cabbage.
- Vitamin C. In women, vitamin C plays an important role in ovarian function and egg formation. In addition, as an antioxidant. Vitamin C plays organ cells protect the body against free radicals that affect the health of the reproductive system. Vitamin C is found in guava, grapefruit, strawberries, papaya, mango, mustard greens, tomatoes, red peppers.
- Zinc (Zn). Important in the growth of sex organs and also the formation of healthy sperm. Among other sources of zinc in seafood, meats, nuts, grains, dairy products.
- Selenium (Se). Important role in the production of healthy sperm. Symptoms of selenium deficiency include high blood pressure, sexual dysfunction and infertility. Sources of selenium include rice, egg yolks, seafood, meat, garlic, tomatoes, tuna fish, milk.
- Use fresh foods. Never be drying or storing vegetables in a hot place, before the process.
- If vegetables quickly, either while slicing or when washing.
- If forced to soak, do not be too long.
- Cook vegetables quickly and use less water.
- Do not delay too long for eating food after it is cooked.
- Keep fruits and vegetables fresh in a protected part of the light and pretty cool in the fridge.
- Keep the milk in a cool and protected from light. Do not store milk in the glass because it can damage the vitamin D.
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